Monday, April 2, 2012

My invisible man with impossible green eyes

So guys this may sound REALLY weird but in order for me to get to school everyday I have to take three different trains. Well, you will NOT believe the things that happen, that can merely miss you and pass you right on by if you let it. As I was sitting on the train one morning, listening to my music, ignoring everyone as usual, I look up to see this man across from me and down the cart. Now what stopped me was his eyes. They were the most unreal color I have ever seen. They where this dark gray, mushed with this emerald green. And the way he looked at me was so creepy that I felt chills run down my spin. He had one of THOSE looks. Let me explain what I mean by that. Some people have looks. Everyone  has a different look. Some people have that mean look, others have the high pointed nose look of arrogance, and still others have the look of great grace and poise. But of all species of looks, this one is the one that is rarely seen since so many people are corrupted today. He had the look of wisdom. Like he could see right through you. Into the depths of your soul and just know what you were thinking. Hey call me crazy but you'll know it when you see it. Anyway he just kept starring at me. And yes of course I was freaked out. I mean who wouldn't be with a man with strange but gorgeous eyes starring at you from across the 1 train subway cart going toward Manhattan? Well maybe not you, but I was. Suddenly the train pulled to a stop and as people began to get off, blocking my view so that my sight of the man was cut off. I craned my neck to see more of him, to get a glimpse of those strange green eyes. But when the isle was clear he was gone. I know, I know, so cliche and predictable. But its true. He was just... gone. Now everyday I get on the subway cart I look for my invisible man with those impossible green eyes.


  1. This is amazing that you are published at such a young age. So cool! Thanks so much new follower from Book Blogs!

  2. Hi Uche,
    Congrats on being published at such a tender age! I wish you and your family much success. Please stop by my blog when you get a chance. I just subscribed to your blog via email.

  3. Beautiful site! Nice job, I'm impressed, especially when I think that you are so young! I'm intrigued with the story and plan to check ou the book.

  4. Kind of creepy yet rather cool about the green-eyed-man... Three trains, huh? That's nuts. I complain that I have to drive 45 minutes to work. Love your blog, I'm a new follower (from book blogs). Please follow me back:

    Thanks! Amanda

  5. Hey, Uche. I found you bookblogs. You caught my attention solely because of your name (I'm Nigerian, too). And now I find that you go to LaGuardia (my roommate from college is from there, too!)

    Anywho, I don't see a subscribe button anywhere but I'd love to follow you.


